Submit a Project Idea!

What is Pick a Project?

Pick A Project is a crowdfunding platform available to programs, departments, interest groups, and other affiliates of The University of Texas at El Paso to help raise funds in support of their initiatives. Campaigns that are selected to be featured typically run about 30-45 days long. If you’re interested in project-based fundraising for your group, you’re in the right place!

How does it work?

If your application is selected, we will begin with an initial kick-off meeting with you and/or your team to learn more about your campaign initiatives and goals. From there, we will help build the campaign timeline, ambassador templates, marketing materials, and campaign content. While we assist in soliciting and promoting your campaign to potential donors, it's important to understand that the success of the campaign relies heavily on the effort and outreach of you and your team of ambassadors. Reaching out to friends, peers, and personal and professional networks is crucial for a successful campaign. 

What’s the process?

The campaign development phase can take up to 8 weeks leading up to the campaign launch date. Therefore, please submit your application 3 months in advance of your desired start date. During this time, we will provide you and your team with an ambassador training presentation, create campaign materials, work on data lists, and collaborate with leadership for campaign approvals. Once your campaign is active, we will help promote it by sharing it on our social media channels and sending email blasts to donors of your fund at the start and final week of the campaign. The final step in the process is stewardship, during which we will help you thank your campaign donors. Funds donated to your campaign typically take about 1-2 months to be reflected in your fund account.

Are you ready?

As you complete your application, please have your UTEP fund account information ready and consider the following indicators for project success:

  • Can your project meet its goal within 30 to 45 days?
  • Does your project have a compelling story and purpose that your team of ambassadors can share?
  • Can you ensure that your campaign ambassadors will actively promote the campaign and reach out to their networks throughout its duration?
  • Do you have an audience that can be emailed?

Please complete all the required information in the application to participate. By submitting this application, you agree to proceed with the crowdfunding process on Pick A Project.

If you have any further questions, contact us at

Tell us about yourself


Tell us about your project

Describe the passion and purpose of this project, what the funds are for, and how it benefits UTEP

Please provide your Title/Role and your Department/CSU (college/School/unit)

Must be a gift fund managed by a UTEP faculty or staff member

We recommend project goals between $1,000 and $15,000

List members involved as fundraising ambassadors along with their names and email addresses

Describe your timeline for when you require the funds. Provide details if you have an upcoming event

Videos with a clear ask and purpose tend to bring more interest and impact toward campaigns
Have questions? Send us an email at
Our Crowdfunding Groups