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UTEP Choirs Carnegie Hall Debut

Raised toward our $17,344 Goal
65 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 08, at 11:59 PM MST
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Campaign Contributor

Thank you for your $25 contribution. Your gift to this campaign will greatly benefit UTEP students as they make their way to NYC.


Singing Supporter

You’re $50 donation has us singing for joy! Thank you for supporting UTEP students.


Ensemble Enthusiast

As one of the select ensembles invited to perform in NYC, we are enthusiastic about your $100 contribution that supports this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Thank you!


Choirs Champion

Your $250 is a testament to your pride in this effort. Thank you for being a champion of students in UTEP Choirs.


Carnegie Hall of Famer

Your gift makes this life-changing experience in Carnegie Hall possible. That makes you a Hall of Famer in our book. Thank you for supporting UTEP Choirs.

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